Thank you for your answer Bertalan.

I'm CCing to the list because it is somehow related to the topic.

Valentin Villenave írta:
> Hi Bertalan,
> I would like to know how much localized is LilyPondTool, and if anyone
> can help you translating it. I can, for instance, contribute to
> correct the French language file, and since there is a French mailing
> list now, I could help transmitting your announcements or whatever...
> Thank you.
> V.Villenave.

2006/12/8, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Well, LilyPondTool is not localized at all. AFAIK jEdit is not either.
First you we need LilyPond to write its error messages with an error
code, to let us interpret independently of language.
Second, I must create some property files that can be localized. This
can be a semi-automatic process, so if you think there would be many
French users, I can do it. But that will work only for the LilyPondTool
parts, and not the jEdit core.

I had already seen somewhere jEdit wasn't localized and wasn't ever
going to be, I just didn't remember it.

As a matter of fact, jEdit is a bit weak on a few points, and this one
of those; another one is, in my opinion, that its extremely heavy and
slow, even on a Linux machine, maybe due to its Java origins, I don't
know; the fact is, every time I use it I can't help remember older
times when I was running *some* proprietary heavy notation software
under *some* proprietary heavy Operating System.

However, I find (and so do many of us) LilyPondTool is the best way to
typeset LilyPond code, particularly for newbies, and I wouldn't have
jEdit installed at all otherwise. So to my mind, this is LilyTool's
only weakness.

So, concerning translation, I would be glad to contribute. If
LilyTool's localization is easy to do, just tell me how it can be
done, or please send a language file (if there's any) so I can start
to work on it, and maybe post it on the French mailing list. I think
it's worth doing it, because once again I find LilyPondTool great.

I just hope that maybe, in a few years (months ?), _somebody_ will be
able to make it standalone.

Maybe yourself, who knows... :)

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