Hello list,

Since version 2.4, I used to build lilypond on my Sun Sparc station
under Solaris.

With lilypond 2.10, I got problems. I succeeded in building lilypond,
but when running it, I get a bus error (code 138) for several scores
(but not all scores).

Investigating the problem a little more, it seems that it is a call to a
guile procedure which crashes lilypond. More precisely :

  pages_ = scm_apply_0 (proc, scm_list_1(self_scm ()));

(around line 415 of paper-book.cc)

I tried guile 2.8.1 instead of guile 1.6.7 (since 2.8 is used in the
Windows version) but the same crash still occurs (nota : guile 1.6.8
doesn't work better).

If somebody has any idea about what is my problem, it would be great.

Thanks in advance for your help !

-- Guy Durrieu.

Guy DURRIEU  ONERA/TIS/DTIM                tel    (33)
CERT, 2, avenue Edouard Belin  B.P. 4025   fax    (33)
31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 FRANCE              e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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