Rick Hansen (aka RickH <passport <at> windcrestsoftware.com> writes:

> IOW do I need to do one last compile of my lily work to produce a
> "pre-press" PDF using some option flag I am not aware of ?  Otherwise I will
> tell the shop to select their highest resolution, is this enough?  Am I
> forgetting anything?

You probably don't even need to tell them that.

> Thanks to anyone who has been down this road before.

I've sent Lilypond PDFs to two different print shops on four occations, with
no problem at all.  A print show that accepts PDF input (as *any* print shop
should these days), should have no problem printing any Lilypond PDF
quite beautifully.

Some very minor notes:

- if you try something fancy like an unusual paper size, make sure to talk
to the printer about it.

- I typically get thinner lines (and thus more "whiteness") from a print shop
than from an office laser printer, and thinner lines from a laser than from an



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