Why do you have a separate <<{...} \\ {...} >> for each bar?
(I agree that it might make the input more readable). Otherwise,
you can save some typing by

    lower = \relative c
       \clef bass
       \key b \major
       \time 6/8
<< { \slurDown \override Rest #'staff-position = #2
           r4 <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) |
           r4 <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) |
           r4 <es a>8 ( <g c>4.  ) } \\
         { g,2. | g2. | g2. |} >>

Notice also how you can specify the position of the rest.


Helge Kruse wrote:

Cameron, thanks for reply. I really forgot to attach to files. So let me
paste the current ly file here. I have already introduced the changes you

\version "2.7.39"
\include "deutsch.ly"

upper = \relative c'' {
                \clef treble
                \key b \major
                \time 6/8
                r4 r8 r g16 ( a b d )
                c4. ( c8 ) c16 d es g )
lower = \relative c
        \clef bass
        \key b \major
        \time 6/8
<< { \slurDown f4\rest <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
       << { \slurDown f'4\rest <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
       << { \slurDown f'4\rest <es a>8 ( <g c>4.  ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
% I would like to write it like this: % << { r4 <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
%       << { r4 <d' b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
%       << { r4 <es' a>8 ( <g c>4.  ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
\score {
                \context PianoStaff <<
                        \set PianoStaff.instrument = "HARPE  "
                        \context Staff = upper \upper
                        \context Staff = lower \lower
                \layout { }
                \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
%       \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t }

The layout in the lower staff looks now as expected. But it's annoying to
write \slurDown and f4\rest for each measure. Is there any scheme script
that sets the slur direction and the rest position/distance/offset/what-else
for a lot of measures?

Regards, Helge

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