If you first try your example without the \change Staff ..., you will
notice that the same problem remains. What happens is that your
polyphony in the lower part,
<< { r8 f16 ( g ) f8 } \\ c2. >>
has the same duration as the longest of the two voices, i.e. as the c2.
Then, when you add more 16th notes after the << ... >>, they will
begin after the end of the c2. The solution is just to include all your
16th notes including staff changes within the << {...} \\ {...} >> construct:

lower = \relative c
   \clef bass
   \key b \major
   \time 6/8

   << { r8 f16 ( g ) f8 \change Staff = "upper"
       g'''16 ( f ) g, f \change Staff = "lower" g, f |}
      \\ c2. >>


Helge Kruse wrote:

I have a voice in the lower staff, that is so high, that it should be noted
in the upper staff, but logically it belongs to "lower". I tried to edit
this with staff change, but the "upper" staff is already full and the six
16th notes are moved to the next measure.
How can I get these six 16th (gfgfgf) to the first measure? I would prefer
to keep the <es es>2. in the upper staff, but probably this is not possible?


\version "2.7.39"
\include "deutsch.ly"

upper = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key b \major
        \time 6/8

        <es, es'>2. |

lower = \relative c
        \clef bass
        \key b \major
        \time 6/8

        << { r8 f16 ( g ) f8 } \\ c2. >>
        \change Staff = "upper"
g'''16 ( f ) g, f \change Staff = "lower" g, f |

\score {
        \context PianoStaff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrument = "HARPE  "
           \context Staff = upper \upper
           \context Staff = lower \lower
        \layout { }

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        Signal Processing
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