To make a single note in a chord invisible, you have to use the \tweak feature:
<eih d g \harmonic \tweak #'transparent ##t f >4


Orm Finnendahl wrote:

I'm trying to write a doublestop in a violin piece, where on note is
played as an artificail harmonic.

In the sequence '<eih d g \harmonic>4'

The harmonic is placed above the 'eih' but should be placed above the
'd'. Is there any way to either flip the noteheads of the eih and d or
move the harmonic diamond horizontally?

I tried to trick lilypond by adding a fourth notehead in order to flip
the harmonic sign and then making the added notehead invisible:

'<eih d g \harmonic \hideNotes  a \unHideNotes>4'

This doesn't seem to work inside a chord. Also overriding #'notehead
to be transparent doesn't work in this context.

Putting the d with its harmonic in another voice context results in
awkward spacings of the two voices (Stem up and down) and makes the
whole thing quite difficult to read. Using text markup for the diamond
sign is awkward as the notes are placed above the space with some
ledger lines.

Any ideas?


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