Actually, afterGraceFraction is defined as an ordinary LilyPond identifier,
in ly/ So, one option for you if you want to change the
setting globally for the full score is to add
afterGraceFraction = #(cons 7 8)
at the top level of the file (just as you can define mymelody={c d e f} ).

If you want to change the setting in the middle of a piece, one option is to
use Scheme syntax to change the value of the variable:
#(define afterGraceFraction (cons 7 8))

(if you do this setting directly after a \afterGrace, then it seems to affect also
this preceding \afterGrace).


Trent J wrote:

I'm not sure whether I'm doing this right but the manual states to change the fraction of an afterGrace note(s):

The fraction 3/4 can be changed by setting afterGraceFraction, ie.

afterGraceFraction = #(cons 7 8). By setting does it mean \set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 7 8).

I've tried this and keep running into the following message from Lilypond:

warning: can't find property type-check for `afterGraceFraction' (translation-type?). perhaps a typing error?
warning: doing assignment anyway

Any help appreciated.


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