
Trying as usual to build lilypond (2.10) on my machine (sun solaris 10)
I got a weird problem between gcc and flex (?).

Until now, with gcc 3.4.3 configure was almost OK.

With lilypond 2.10 :

either I keep gcc 3.4.3 and FlexLexer.h is normally found, but the
configure is not OK since gcc 4.x is now needed.

or I use gcc 4.0.3, but then FlexLexer.h is not found.

I  don't understand where is the problem.

Thanks in advance for any idea!

Guy DURRIEU  ONERA/TIS/DTIM                tel    (33)
CERT, 2, avenue Edouard Belin  B.P. 4025   fax    (33)
31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 FRANCE              e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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