It seems that the only way you can influence the channel numbers is by the
order you specify the different staves/lyric lines/chord names. Can you
figure out what ends up on channels 1-3, maybe lyrics? It that's the case,
you could try to specify them in another order in your \score{...} block,
either by using a separate \score{...} block for the MIDI output or by
using \set Staff.alignAboveContext = ... to get the correct vertical order
in the printed output.

Send a small but complete example to the mailing list if you need more
specific instructions.


Johan Vromans wrote:

Is there a way to control which MIDI channel a stave will get?

In a 4-vocal + chords score the chords seem to get channel 4, and the
vocals get 5, 6, 7, and 8. I want to split out the parts, but my
synthesizer can only control tracks 1-5 individually.

So it would be nice if I could explicitly designate a MIDI channel for
each voice. Is that possible?


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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