On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 10:32:01AM -0800, Graham Percival wrote:
> Eduardo Vieira wrote:
> >Hello list, is there a musical difference between these two styles of 
> >slurring?
> >
> >{ e( f() g) } and { e( f g) }
> >
> >I have seen songs using either style. Which is more proper? Personally I 
> >prefer
> >the latter. But I'm not a musician.
> As a string player, the latter is preferred.  However, the first one 
> might makes sense with other instruments (winds, singers maybe?)
> - Graham
I'm a brass player, and I would definitely prefer the second. I don't recall 
seeing a lot of the first in the music I've played.

Of course, that;s just me.


Cameron Horsburgh


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  • Re: Slur usage Cameron Horsburgh

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