One solution is to typeset the invisible upper and lower notes in separate Voice contexts and then use the connectArpeggio feature to get a single arpeggio over the three voices. By default, the engraver that handles connected arpeggios is only available in the PianoStaff context, so you have to add it also to the Staff context. Also, the \arpeggioBracket macro only does its settings in the current Voice, not for the full Staff, which is where the connected arpeggios are handles. Therefore, you have some extra lines of code that might look a bit strange, in the following example:

\version "2.9.28"
\new Staff \with {\consists Span_arpeggio_engraver} \relative c''{
\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\override Staff.Arpeggio #'stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-bracket
<< \new Voice {\hideNotes <a>\arpeggio}
\new Voice { c }
\new Voice {\hideNotes <e>\arpeggio }




Quoting Alexander Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


(Lily 2.9.28)

I want to misuse \arpeggioBracket & \arpeggio to indicate barring over some strings in guitar music. E.g. when you play an a'', then a c'' and then an e'' (all three at the fith fret with finger 1), I want to indicate that you should use finger 1 at the a''. It should look like there is an arpeggio bracket as in <a'' e'' c''>\arpeggio, but e'' and c'' are not shown.

I tried to attach an arpeggio to a single Note and then strech the arpeggio, but 1) you can't attach an arpeggio to a single note ( <a> doesn't work either) and 2) I haven't found a property that would strech the arpeggio.

I thought about to do something like this <a'' \hideNextNote c'' \hideNextNote e''>\arpeggio\recomputeStem, but I don't know, how to do it \tweak and \override doesn't seem to work, \recomputeStem should make the stem fit to the visible notes (you could do that by hand useing \override).

May be there is an easy solution for it, is there?


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