I have indeed noticed duplicate posts, especially over the last week or
two. It isn't usually as many as 5 or 6 dozen messages at a time, but
it feels like it, especially when some random number of them turn out to
be messages I already read.
Laura Conrad wrote:
"Cameron" == Cameron Horsburgh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Cameron> My lilypond-user mail seems to be coming in rather big
Cameron> batches maybe a dozen or so messages at once), and now
Cameron> I'm starting to receive duplicate posts.
You're lucky; I seem to get 5 or 6 dozen messages a couple of times a
week. I don't notice duplicate posts, but the order the messages come
in is more than usually confusing. And of course reading that many
messages at a time makes it more likely that I'll miss something I'm
interested in.
Cameron> I am aware of problems with my email at my ISP, but this
Cameron> doesn't seem to be the same thing.
As far as I know, I'm not having problems with any other mail.
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