Mats Bengtsson wrote:
This is a well-known bug in the MIDI output. The problem is that you
never specified any absolute dynamics (like \p or \mf or \ff or ...)
before the crescendo, so LilyPond has no idea on what dynamics to start
the crescendo. For some silly reason, it then doesn't start at the
default dynamics level but keeps the full crescendo almost silent.
This very problem isn't documented in the section on "Creating MIDI
files", but there you can find descriptions on other similar problems
and also
a simple way to remove all dynamics handling in the MIDI output while
keeping it in the printed output, which makes sense for proof listening.
Quoting John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Kamal wrote:
I am using lilypond 2.8.6
If I use the following code snippet:
a\< b c d\!
then a silent passage will be produced in the midi output although the
documentation says that unterminated crescendos will produce that.
Can can this be overcome?
As far as I have experienced with midi players (mainly with Timidity),
(de)crescendi mess up MIDI files from LilyPond playing. I don't know if
it's LilyPond or Timidity fault.
As a workaround, I remove any \<, \< and \! when I want MIDI output.
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At home, I put (de)crescendi in a variable named dynamics, like in the
Piano centered dynamics ( in manuel-2.9.23-1, Chapitre D.2.4 ).
Then, for the midi block where you have a second score block (see below)
I comment or suppress the dynamics for the midi
like this: ( %\dynamics ) and I've no problem for the midi file.
\score {
\context PianoStaff <<
\context Staff=upper \upper %\dynamics
\context Staff=lower << \lower %\dynamics
\midi {
\tempo 4=126
\context {
\type "Performer_group"
\name Dynamics
\context {
\accepts Dynamics
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