
Try using
 \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano Sax"
 \set Staff.instr = "s.Sax"

This works in ver 2.8.6

However, you may find the alignment of instrument names across a range of
staves is not what you would like.  As I understand it this is because the
instrument name is positioned during individual staff processing and is
right-aligned to the start of the staff. It is not possible to take other
staves into account. (Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could correct me if
any of this is wrong).  This is OK if all the staves are within a group or
all without one but if you use several staff groups or have staves outside a
group the names of instruments within the group appear to be right-aligned
to the group bracket and so are slightly offset from the names attached to
single staves.  There are various work-arounds for this, and also for
centre-aligning names or left-aligning names.  The ones I have used are:

Centre-aligning instrument names:

     \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \hcenter-in #5.0 Solo }

This will centre "Solo" in a box of length 5.0 which is itself offset from
the staff end (in this case not the brace, it seems).  All the instrument
names can then be centre-aligned by specifying the same box length for all
of them. However, it seems necessary for the specified box length to be up
to twice as long as the longest name for the alignment to be correct.  You
may need to move the first system over to the right to make enough room.
Set indent=3.0\cm or whatever in layout to do this.

Left-aligning instrument names:

This is somewhat arcane - anyone found a better way?

     \set Staff.instrument=\markup {
      \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
      \left-align { \column { \transparent AAAAAAAAA Solo } }
This works by using a fixed length string ("AAAAAAAA" in the example above)
to establish a left-hand edge at a fixed distance from the aligned
right-hand edge.  The real string is then left-aligned with this by using
\left-align and \column.  The fixed-length string is made transparent, and
the vertical distance between the two elements of the column is set to zero
with the override. The length of the fixed length string is chosen to be
slightly longer than the longest instrument name.
Because the left-aligned points of a single staff, a choirstaff and a piano
staff are at slightly different distances from the left margin the 'fixed'
string needs to be slightly longer by about a "a" character (using the
default font) for any single staves.



> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> OnionRingOfDoom
> Sent: 24 October 2006 03:36
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: Repositioning \tempo, and one other question
> Like the subject says, is there any way to reposition the \tempo mark? I'd
> love to be able to move it a bit to the left.
> Also, my instrument names seem to not be displayed propperly in my score.
> The names are declared as follows:
> Soprano = \relative c'' {
>       \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano Sax "
>       \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"s.Sax "
>       \global
>       \clef treble
>       \key c \minor
>         % notes
> }
> Then, the score is set up as so:
> \score {
>       <<
>               \new StaffGroup = "horns" <<
>                       \new Staff = "Soprano" \Soprano
>                         % more staves...
>                  >>
>         >>
> }
> I saw this work in the Jazz Combo example, but it's not working for me for
> some reason. Any help is greatly appreciated, as always!
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Repositioning-%5Ctempo%2C-and-one-other-ques
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