Possibly, \partcombine can handle this, otherwise I'm afraid
the best solution is to implement a music function in Scheme
that goes through the music and adds \voiceOne and \oneVoice
at the appropriate places.

At second thought, I guess you generate the .ly file from your
program, so what you really want is to be able to specify
\voiceOne / \oneVoice for the upper Voice context while
generating the .ly code for the lower Voice. In that case, one
possible solution would be to define your own macros that do
the same as \voiceOne and \oneVoice but do the settings at the
Staff context level instead of Voice level. Then, for the lower voice,
you can still use \voiceTwo, since settings at the Voice level will
override those from the Staff level. Then you can generate code like
lower_voice = {\voiceTwo some music \oneVoiceInStaff s1*5
\twoVoicesInStaff more music ...}


Kirill wrote:

Ok, gentlemen. Summer is over, back to the drawing board (for those who still
remember, the Sibelius->LyliPond plugin is in works).

The following question might seem a bit unusual, but I'll ask anyway.

Suppose I have a Staff, and two explicitly instantiated Voices in this Staff.
These voices are marked \voiceOne and \voiceTwo, which, in particular, controls
the stem directions. Both voices span for the whole duration of the music,
regardless of whether one of them is actually necessary or not. When there is no
music in one of the voices -- it is padded with hidden rests (like s1*1/2).

Now, the question. Is there a way to make LilyPond automatically choose the
correct stem directions in the first voice based on whether there is something
in the second? For example: imagine a bar where voice 1 has some music, voice 2
is not being used (but exists) and is padded with "s1*...". I want the stems and
everything to behave like there is no voice 2 in this bar. Is it possible?

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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        Royal Institute of Technology
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