Just for info, I was using Microsoft Word Win XP, and yes they just show up
as rectangles in the application.  But at least the rectangles are of the
proper size.  But when I print the MSWord doc to the printer (or print a
PDF) the results are beautiful, no issues, no error messages from Word or
Adobe Reader.  So I am happy with my results, not having wysiwyg in Word is
just a deficiency with MSWord that I can live with.

What is "odt"?

However, on my Windows 2000 machine the eps files behave as though some of
the font characters are missing, I'm attributing that to a bug in Win 2000
at this time, and maybe not a problem with the eps generation, because all
is working fine on Win XP.

Not much help for you I'm sure, but it might give someone looking into this
some more insight.


Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> I seem to have the same problem as already reported here:
> (Windows XP, Lilypond 2.9.22)
>       lilypond -b eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts  epstest.ly
> produces an eps-file, which I can view with gsview, and a pdf.
> I did insert the eps into a odt file, shows as a rectangle (this is 
> normal (?)).
> Printing gives the following error message:
>       ERROR: undefinedresource
>       OFFENDING COMMAND: findresource
>       STACK:
>       /FontSetInit
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> Code:
> --
> \version "2.9.22"
> \paper{
>   indent=0\mm
>   oddFooterMarkup=##f
>   oddHeaderMarkup=##f
>   bookTitleMarkup=##f
>   scoreTitleMarkup=##f
>   ragged-right=##t
> }
> \relative c' {c d e f | g a b c}
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  • Re: eps again Rick Hansen (aka RickH)

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