Kieren MacMillan wrote:
In the meantime, you can use
        \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #6
which is what I *always* use anyway!  =)

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
The explanation may be something similar as the explanation in the section on "Text Markup" on why \left-align doesn't have any effect
for RehearsalMark objects.

It seems you are both right.

Kieren, your suggestion works perfectly.

And I now notice at the bottom of the Dynamics page --
-- the following note under "See also":

"Program reference: DynamicText, Hairpin. Vertical positioning of these symbols is handled by DynamicLineSpanner."

That should have clued me in. But I wonder why "Hairpin" even has a "Y-offset" setting -- listed at
-- if it doesn't do anything. As part of grob-interface, sure. But to have it listed separately on the Hairpin page, seems unnecessary and confusing to me. There are many other grobs which have no such setting listed.

Anyway, thanks to both of you for your quick and helpful responses!


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