Hello OROD,

I do it like this:

fluteNotes = \relative c''' {
  \transposition c % this indicates the correct pitch for cues and midi
  \key c \major
  ... the music in c ...

clarinetNotes = \relative c'' {
  \transposition bes % this indicates the correct pitch for cues and midi
  \key d \major
  ... the music in bes ...

hornNotes = \relative c {
  \transposition f % this indicates the correct pitch for cues and midi
  \key g \major
  ... the music in f ...

For a score in C you do:

\score {
    \new Staff \fluteNotes
    \new Staff \transpose c bes, \clarinetNotes % this transposes your
Bb-Voice into C
    \new Staff \transpose c f, \hornNotes
  \layout {}
  \midi {}


"OnionRingOfDoom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I'm writing an orchestral score out, and I have a large piece.ly file in
> which all the individual instrument parts music is written out. Every
> instrument's part starts with something like varInstrumentNotes =
> c'' { . Every part is entered with \relative c, then there are template
> files for each part which are used to actually print the invidual parts.
> structure is as follows:
> \new Staff \with {
> } % end with
> {
>   \clef "treble"
>   \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>   \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
>   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #0.08
>   \varKey
>   \varTime
>   \varInstrumentNotes
> }
> But now I have to write out the Bb Clarinet parts, and the Bb Clarinet is
> obviously in the key of Bb. Now, in the score, I want to write it out in
> and then in the template file have it transpose to Bb. The key of the
> piece is A Minor. How would I go about transposing the Bb Clarinet into
> propper key? I cannot seem to figure out if I use the \transpose command
> the \transposition command.
> -- 
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