On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 20:39:09 -0400, Kieren MacMillan
Hi, Marcus:
Just a quick suggestion. Why not let a GrandStaff have an instrumentName
(and a shortInstrumentName), just like a Staff and a PianoStaff already
Just in case you don't know, you can always add this feature to your own
scores with
\consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
For more information, see the example at <http://www.lilypond.org/doc/
That's just what I was looking for! I now see that the example in
question, instrument-name-grandstaff.ly, resides in the "Tips and Tricks"
section of documentation:
The same trick works for ChoirStaff or StaffGroup, too, adding a new
\context block for each.
Perhaps this should be mentioned in the documentation, under:
8.2.5 Instrument names
Or are we expected to search the main documentation, and failing that,
Regression Tests, Tips and Tricks, and Examples, and failing that, the
email archives, and failing that, a message to lilypond-user? It seems to
me, a link wouldn't hurt. And if I knew how to edit the documentation, I'd
add it myself.
Anyway, thanks for the tip!
(BTW, I still don't see why the Instrument_name_engraver isn't part of the
GrandStaff, if not the ChoirStaff and StaffGroup, *automatically*, but at
least there's an easy enough workaround for now, so I won't complain.)
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