It appears that the "first-page-number" property is not working, here is an
example:  Note that the first page number in the odd/even mirrored footers
always comes out as 1, even with setting first-page-number to 4. (v2.9.18)

Is this still broken?  (there are some old bug reports on it but those go
back to v2.4.)

Thanks for any info on this.


\version "2.9.18"
\include ""

#(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)

\paper {
   paper-height = 11.0\in
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   between-system-padding = #1
   between-system-space = #30
   first-page-number = #4
   printfirst-page-number = ##f
   print-page-number = ##f
   oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #0 { \bold \fromproperty
#'page:page-number-string } } }
   evenFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { { \bold \fromproperty
#'page:page-number-string } \hspace #0 } }

   \new Staff \with {
         \clef "treble"
         \key ef \major
         \time 4/4
         \relative c'' {
            af8. g16 f8. ef16 f4. g8
            bf8. af16 g8. f16 af4. bf8
            ef8. d16 c8. bf16 c2
            r2 r4 d4
            f8. ef16 d8. c16 d4 ef

   \layout {
         ragged-right = ##t
         ragged-last = ##t
           ragged-bottom = ##t
           ragged-last-bottom = ##t
                indent = 0.0\in


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