I don't see any really good solution to your problems. Actually, I think
main problem is not what LilyPond can do but rather how to typeset this
in general to make it readable.
The best idea I can come up with is to shift all the cue notes to the
left (or right).
In LilyPond, you can do this with the \shiftOn macro.
Holly Briscoe wrote:
Greetings all,
The cue notes discussed in section 8.3.4 of version 2.8.6 of the manual aren't
exactly what I'm dealing with. The cue notes I need are in the vocal parts,
where an optional note is printed in case the choir has enough voices to cover
more than the four basic voices (i.e., baritone or second soprano added to
Based on a suggestion in a completely different thread, I put the cue notes in
their own definition so that I could make them smaller, etc., but I have run
across a few problems:
First, if the cue note is HIGHER than the regular voice note, setting stems
transparent leaves the note head floating in space, so I feel like they must be
visible. (See men's cue notes in measure 1 below.)
Second, if the cue note is LOWER than the regular voice note, the stems stick
out below the regular voice's stems. (See men's cue notes in measure 2 below.)
I tried to shorten the stems, but it doesn't seem to be working.
[And as an additional problem, though solved easily enough for my situation, if
I don't hide beams, then the cue notes' beams don't align vertically with the
main notes' beams, making it look like there are 16th notes instead of 8th
notes. Comment out the autoBeamOff, stem flag style override, and shorten
beamed stem override in both cue note definitions to see the problem.]
SO, should I just handle stem transparency on a case-by-case basis, or does
Lilypond have something built in that I'm simply missing?
Third, because the note heads are smaller, if the stems point UP, the stems of the cue
notes and the main notes are not aligned horizontally. I found force-hshift in section
6.6.3. It looks like I'd have to figure out the distance value experimentally. But if the
line breaks change, won't that mess up the value? Is there a "right-justify"
kind of thing I could apply to the cue notes (in certain measures, I guess) to make them
line up with the main notes? (See women's cue notes in measure 1.)
Thanks so much for the help. Lilypond rocks! I just wish I could run it on
Linux instead of WinXP. (Other requirements force me to use Windows--sigh.)
Any other recommendations on file format (indentation, white space, etc.) or
basic Lilypond technique are also greatly appreciated. I know that in Lilypond,
as with all things *nix, there are many ways to do the same thing, though some
are easier for the humans looking at it six months later. :-)
Highest regards,
%% start ly snippet
%% measure numbers below refer to measures as pulled from complete score
\header {
title = "Misaligned Vocal Cue Notes"
\version "2.8.6"
\include "english.ly"
womenMusic = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
% the staff-padding adds some extra space above the staff so that
% text notations are less likely to collide with notes and slurs
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #2
% Rehearsal mark padding moves the marks up to avoid collisions also
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2
\key af \major
% meas 36 women
<g' e'>8( <e c'>) <e c'>4 r8 c'\f df[ c] |
% meas 40 women
f,2\< r8 <f af>8\ff <f af>[ <g bf>] |
} % end womenMusic
womenCueNotes = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\override NoteHead #'font-size = #-3
\override Beam#'beamed-stem-shorten = #'(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
\override Stem#'flag-style = #'no-flag
\key af \major
c'8( g) g4 s2 | % meas 36
\revert NoteHead #'font-size
\revert Stem#'flag-style
\revert Beam#'beamed-stem-shorten
} % end women cue notes
menMusic = \relative c {
\clef bass
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
% meas 36 men
c'8( g) g4 r2 |
% meas 40 men
<af c>8[ <af c>] <af c> <g bf> <af c>[ <f c'>] <f c'> <ef ef'> |
} % end menMusic
menCueNotes = \relative c {
\clef bass
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\override NoteHead #'font-size = #-3
\override Beam#'beamed-stem-shorten = #'(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
\override Stem#'flag-style = #'no-flag
\key af \major
e'!8( c) c4 s2 | % meas 36
f,8 f f ef f s8 s4 | % meas 40
\revert NoteHead #'font-size
\revert Stem#'flag-style
\revert Beam#'beamed-stem-shorten
} % end men cue notes
womenWords = \lyricmode {
% meas 36 women
si -- ah. The Son He
% meas 40 women
thee. __ Sing hal -- le
}% end women words
menWords = \lyricmode {
% meas 36 men
% none here--they sing the same as the women
\skip 8 \skip 4 % needed for this example
% meas 40 men
God that heal -- eth thee. Sing hal -- le
} % end men words
pianoRH = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\key af \major
% meas 36 RH
r8 <g' c e>8 g'16 f e! f c8 <g c e> r8 <g c e> |
% meas 40 RH
<af c f>[ <af c f> <af c f> <g bf ef?>] <af c f> f af bf |
} % end PianoRH
pianoLH = \relative c {
\clef bass
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\key af \major
% meas 35 LH
c,4 g' c, g' |
% meas 40 LH
f4 c' f f,8 g |
} % end PianoLH
\layout {
\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
ragged-right = ##t
\paper {
oddHeaderMarkup = "Misaligned Vocal Cue Notes"
evenHeaderMarkup = "Misaligned Vocal Cue Notes"
\score {
\override Score.BarNumber #'font-size = #3
\override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = women <<
\new Voice = "women" { << \womenMusic >> }
\new Voice { << \womenCueNotes >> }
\new Lyrics = "women" { s1 }
\new Staff = men <<
\new Voice = "men" { << \menMusic >> }
\new Voice { << \menCueNotes >> }
\new Lyrics = "men" { s1 }
\context Lyrics = women \lyricsto women \womenWords
\context Lyrics = men \lyricsto men \menWords
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "pianoRH" \pianoRH
\new Staff = "pianoLH" \pianoLH
%% end ly snippet
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