Libero Mureddu wrote:

I've also found this quite interesting: lily can accept something like this (see below), that is quite amazing compared the amount of tweaks that are necessary to obtain the same in other software (if my memory is good!), but still it cannot make a line break.

But what I would like to have is a line break based not necessarely on barlines but on specific moments in time.

Is it really good typesetting practice to have a line break in the
middle of the duration of a note? To me it seems like a very good
method to confuse the poor musicians. ;-)

Since the main goal of LilyPond is to support typesetting of
music from 19th century, the current "limitation" does make

On the other hand, you don't have to consider modern music to
find examples where such practice was used. In the baroque
period, it was fairly common to have dotted notes that crossed
bar lines and the dot was then often typeset to the right of the
bar line. I can promise you that it's extremely confusing the first
time you see it, but anyway not so hard to get used to.


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