
I'll read that again.  I tried using a \markup { \score } and that method
would be ideal, but the markup score never rendered past it's first measure. 
I tested the \score separately and it would render 3 measures, no problem,
but when I cutandpaste that same score into a \markup and applied it to a
hosting note it only rendered one measure.

Is there something that would cause \markup { \score } technique to stop
rendering pre-maturely (maybe a bug)?

Maybe I needed to set a hard and short line-width and ragged?  (My \markup {
\score } did not specify a line width and ragged), and the hosting note the
markup was applied to was 2/3rds the way across the page already.  So maybe
\markup thought it was out of room because the score was not ragged?  Is
this possible?  I'll try that technique again too with a hard and short
ragged line-width, markup seems like the better way to go for an
un-coordinated ossia.

Whereas a separate context is better for a timed/substitute-measure ossia
because it will line up the notes and bars vertically.


Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:
> I hope you have read the section on "Polymetric notation". It shows
> several
> methods to modify the synchronization between staves.
> Yet another alternative is to use ^\markup{\score{...}}
>    /Mats
> Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
>> I'm using a user-created staff context to "accepts" ossia notes
>> mid-stream
>> (see OssiaUnsynchronized below).
>> I have a piece where my ossia length will have a different number of
>> measures than the main staff (more or fewer).  So for example if the
>> ossia
>> passage has 2 measures to the main staffs 1 measure I would like the
>> ossia
>> and main staffs to be oblivious to each others timing but each staff
>> still
>> know its own timing.  Below is an example where I would want to see a 2
>> measure ossia spread under the main score freely (IOW I dont want it to
>> add
>> the blank measure to the main staff):
>> How can I make my ossia context totally oblivious to the timing that is
>> going on in the main score?  So that the ossia does it's own thing and
>> the
>> main staff does it's own thing measure-wise.
>> I tried some hacking but still could not get what I wanted.
>> Eventually I want my template to have 2 different kind of ossia contexts
>> (see OssiaUnsynchronized and OssiaSynchronized below), one with
>> coordinated
>> timing (OssiaSynchronized) and one that is free form and ignores the main
>> staff timing (OssiaUnsynchronized the object of my question).  The latter
>> should simply render a chunk of music without affecting the main staff at
>> all (my how-to question).
>> Thanks for any help, the example below will run as-is:.
>> \version "2.9.17"
>> \include ""
>> % Music file
>> myMusic = \relative c'' {
>> | e4 e e e
>> %\set timing = ##f
>> << { a b c d } \context OssiaUnsynchronized { a b c d d c b a } >>
>> %\set timing = ##t
>> | b b b b
>> }
>> % Template file
>> \score {
>>    \myMusic
>>    \layout {
>>       \context { \Score
>>          \remove Span_bar_engraver
>>          \override SpanBar #'break-visibility = #center-invisible
>>          \remove   System_start_delimiter_engraver
>>          \accepts  "OssiaUnsynchronized"
>>          \accepts  "OssiaSynchronized"
>>       }
>>       \context { \Staff
>>          \name "OssiaUnsynchronized"
>>          \remove "Clef_engraver"
>>          \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>>          \remove "Key_engraver"
>>          \remove "Timing_translator"
>>       }
>>       \context { \Staff
>>          \name "OssiaSynchronized"
>>          \remove "Clef_engraver"
>>          \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>>          \remove "Key_engraver"
>>       }
>>    }
>> }
> -- 
> =============================================
>       Mats Bengtsson
>       Signal Processing
>       Signals, Sensors and Systems
>       Royal Institute of Technology
>       SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>       Sweden
>       Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
>         Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       WWW:
> =============================================
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