It's really up to you. In the end the goal is to separate music from structure so that you can freely re-use your template files for subsequent pieces without having to change or re-write the templates. I tend to keep all the music variable setting for all parts in a single file, then I make an "outer file" that includes the music file then whatever template staffs I want to score, so if I wanted a score of only the sax section (for a sectional rehearsal) the file might look like this: With the arrangement below using high-level include files that organize lower level include files, I can mizx and match my templates and paper sizes easily without changing templates across songs, because all the song related variables are in single by-song files.
Example1: contains this... \include % common variables varBetweenSystemSpace = #10 % change based on paper size include below varSystemCount = #5 % change based on paper size include below \include % contains the paper block and references spacing system count variables above \include % this contains all the variables for all the parts of this song, song title, composer, key, time, notes, etc \include % contains header block and begins a score block and begins a nested choir staff block \include % generic template for alto sax and transposes for Eb \include % etc \include % etc \include % etc \include % etc \include % ends the choir staff block, states the layout block, and ends the score block Example2 If I want to score the Alto players part: contains this... \include % common variables varBetweenSystemSpace = #35 % change based on paper size include below varSystemCount = #5 % change based on paper size include below \include % contains the paper block and references spacing system count variables above \include % this contains all the variables for all the parts of this song, song title, composer, key, time, notes, etc \include % contains header block and begins a score block and begins a nested choir staff block \include % generic template for alto sax and transposes for Eb \include % ends the choir staff block, states the layout block, and ends the score block This, I think is the one aspect of LilyPond that separates it from all the other GUI based notation software out there, productivity and re-use exponentiated! OnionRingOfDoom wrote: > > I'm working on writing out a full orchestral score, and I have a lot of > the individual instruments done. I was just wondering, what would be the > best way to combine all the pieces into the score itself? Should I keep > each part as a seperate file and include them in another seperate score > file? Or should I do it like the did in this > > string quartet template and have one huge file for all the music, and > then have seperate little files for each part that refference the one big > file? To me, at least, the first option makes the most sense. However, > what do most people do in this situation? > -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list