Hello all~

I am attempting to write some music in 12/16 time.  I would like the beaming to be in groups of six.  In the following example, the first measure is beamed correctly, but the second is not.  In the second measure, each 16th note should be beamed to the previous 8th note.  Since these patterns occur frequently, how do I configure auto-beaming to do this, instead of manually beaming with [ ] ?

Thanks in advance for your help!

\time 12/16
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 12 16) 6 16 )
\set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 6 16)
a8 a16 a8 a16 a8 a16 a8 a16 |
a8 r16 r8 a16 a8 r16 r8 a16 |

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