By default, LilyPond will only connect arpeggios between different staves,
but that's easy to fix, just add the corresponding engraver to the Staff context (see the example below). Also, you have to specify the \arpeggio in all the voices, otherwise there is no other arpeggio to connect to. The following version of your
example should do it:

\version "2.8.0"
\new Staff \with {\consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"}
\relative c'{
\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t %this is close but not quite
<< {ees4( \arpeggio d8 ees4 \arpeggio des8)} \\ {<bes ges>4.\arpeggio <bes ges>\arpeggio} >>


Jay Anderson wrote:
Here's what I have right now:

%\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t %this is close but not quite
<< {ees4( d8 ees4 des8)} \\ {<bes ges>4.\arpeggio <bes ges>\arpeggio} >>

I want these arepeggi to go from the e flat down to the g flat. It is
a piano piece, but the connectArpeggios didn't quite do it as I don't
want it to cross to the other staff. I tried faking it was hiding some
notes, but couldn't get it to work how I wanted. Any ideas?


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        Signal Processing
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