> > Step 1. Go to the list archives.
> > Step 2. Type "swing" into the search bar, and choose to display in
> > "reverse chronological order".
> > Step 3. Read the first post.
> Gee, thanks for that extremely rude and unhelpful answer.

First of all, it wasn't a rude answer.  Second, do you really think
that it is unhelpful?  Have you ever considered that your question has
probably been already discussed, and that showing you the right
keyword for searching is the quickest solution.  Maybe Kieren doesn't
have enough time to copy and paste it from there (which would just
clutter the mailing list archive, BTW).

> Ya think maybe this is something that should go into the
> documentation?

Provide a patch.

> And folks wonder why people don't use Free Software.

You are a troll, obviously.  Everything is based on voluntary work,
and lilypond can be extremely complex.  Give us 10 people who work on
the documentation as a full-time job!

>       Don't make the assumption that musicians are going to settle
>       for this kind of "documentation."

Please don't complain but help improve the docs.


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