The easiest solution (which maybe also is the best from a layout
point of view) is to add a line break just before the chorus. However,
if you really want the chorus to begin in the middle of
a score line, you could put the lyrics of the chorus in the same
context as the first verse and add
\override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
in the lyrics where the chorus starts. However, then you will have to
revert that setting at the next line break (which in turn
means that you have to specify a \break explicitly in order to know
where the line break will happen).
Quoting Little Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm typesetting a piece of music that my mother wrote
that has two verses and a chorus. I want the lyrics
to the chorus to be centered between the two staves,
but I can't figure out how to do that. I can only get
the chorus lyrics to either line up with one of the
two verses, or to create a third line of lyrics. Can
anyone help?
Here's a sample:
\version "2.8.5"
upperv = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key g \major
\time 4/4
d4 e8 d g g a g
c4 b g4. g8
a4. a8 a4 g8 a
c4 b a8 g4 d8
upperc = \relative c' {
e'4 e c e8 c
d4 c b2
c4 c a c
b8 c4. d4 g,
lowerv = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key g \major
\time 4/4
<d g b>2 <d g b>
<c e g> <d g b>
<d fis a c> <d fis a c>
<c e g> <d g b>
lowerc = \relative c {
g4 <c e>2 <c e>4
g4 <b d>2 <b d>4
fis4 <c' d>2 <c d>4
g4 <b d>2 <b d>4
wordsOne = \lyricmode {
These are the words to the first verse.
la la la la la la la la la la la la la
wordsTwo = \lyricmode {
These are the words to the second verse.
la la la la la la la la la la la la la
chorus = \lyricmode {
These are the words to the chorus.
I want them to be centered. la la
\score {
\context Staff {
\context Voice = upperv { \upperv }
\context Voice = upperc { \upperc }
\lyricsto upperv \new Lyrics \wordsOne
\lyricsto upperv \new Lyrics \wordsTwo
\lyricsto upperc \new Lyrics \chorus
\context Staff = lower { \lowerv \lowerc }
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