I'm pretty sure this is LP doing something incorrectly.

\version "2.9.16"

        \relative c'
        \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Alto Sax"
        \clef treble
        r16 e g b
        r8 cis


        \relative c'
        \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor Sax"
        \clef treble
        cis8 cis'


        \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Baritone Sax"
        \clef bass
        a,4~  a16 e' g b



ends up with no tie from the first note of the bottom line.  But if I
remove the top staff code completely, the tie appears.



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work hard at work worth doing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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