On 9/1/06, Steve D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 03:20:47PM -0400, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> I sure did, huh?
> I have 2.8.6 at the moment.
> {
> \time 4/4
> \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
> c'8~ e'~ g'~ <<c' e' g' b'>>
> }
The problem you see (a tie of one note of an arpeggio connecting to the
wrong note of the following chord) existed in the 2.8 series after some
work was done on LilyPond's tie code. It was fixed in the 2.9 series of
It doesn't end at the wrong note, it just cuts right through the note
above the ending note. 2.9.16-1 does it exactly the same way. LP
doesn't appear to take tie-note collision into consideration.
Is there a way to manually control where the tie ends, or to avoid
note-tie collisions?
Please see the last item on the following "News" page for LilyPond 2.9:
Wonderful, some good essential stuff here. I'm surprised, some of
these have been in Finale for years.
Also, you may wish to consider using the briefer notation for chords,
<c' e' g' b'>
insted of the simultaneous-music construction:
<<c' e' g' b'>>
Alright, thanks. I forget where I saw the double thing, I just kind
of adopted it.
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