I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple
things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different
thicknesses.  If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and
some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads.  Is
there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate?
I have Lilypond 2.8.6.

\version "2.8.6"
\header {
   copyright = "2006 Chuckk Hubbard"
   subtitle = ""
   title = "Your Nose Hairs and My Butt Hairs"
   tagline = "Exported by Rosegarden 4-1.2.3"
   footer = ""
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\score {
       % force offset of colliding notes in chords:
       \override Score.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.0
       \time 4/4

       \context Staff = "Right Hand 1" <<
           \set Staff.instrument = "Right Hand"
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
           \context Voice = "voice 0" {
               \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.0

               \clef treble
               a 16 e' g' b' cis' 8 cis'' 4 < c'' a' f' > 8 ~ < c'' a' f' > b'
               a 16 e' g' b' b fis' r8 cis' 16 gis' r8 dis' 16 ais' r8
%% 5

                \bar "|."
           } % Voice

       >> % Staff

       \context Staff = "Left Hand 2" <<
           \set Staff.instrument = "Left Hand"
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
           \context Voice = "voice 1" {
               \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.0

               \clef bass
               a, 4~ a, 16 cis e g e8 g 4 f 8
               e 4 \times 2/3 { dis g 8 } \times 2/3 { e 4 gis 8 } <
cis gis > 4
%% 5

                \bar "|."
           } % Voice

       >> % Staff (final)
   >> % notes
   \layout { papersize = "a4" }
} % score

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