Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
In the end, after some trial and error with Kruler and Kcalc, I found the
solution, which, as it turned out, is ridiculously simple, but obscure:
- myStaffSize is a random variable name. It can be changed to 'bolg' in both
places, and it still works.
- If set-global-staff-size is changed, \myStaffSize (or \bolg) should be
changed to the same value.
- AND - most importantly: "20" should remain the same. Apparently, it's a
hard-coded default value against which all other font size modifications are
Why this has to be so, eludes me, but I'm sure there is a good reason for it.
But I think it would be a good idea to include these points in the manual. It
would have saved me - and I guess also others - a lot of confusion.
Yes, this does sound like useful info. Please see
- Graham
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