Please read the section on Repeat Syntax carefully once more.
The syntax is
\alternative{ { first ending } { second ending } }
Pedro MartÃnez wrote:
Hello everyone again!
There is a long time ago I don't write here but lately I am learning
more about lilypond and I feel very pride with the results ;)
Anyway, the point is that I am having some troubles with repeat signs
because I cannot get what I pretend. I have readed the man of lilypond
and look into the options of jEdit but I hadn't luck. Here is the work
I am doing now and my problem is exactly at the final section I am
writint with the command \alternative.
% Created on Wed Aug 16 22:02:53 CEST 2006
\version "2.6.3"
\header {
title = "Fly me to the moon"
subtitle = "(In other Words)"
composer = "Bart Howard"
staffPiano = \new PianoStaff {
\set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano "
\time 2/2
\context Staff = "RH" { % Right hand
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\relative c' {
%Introduccion%Una linea por cada compas%
<g' d g,>8 <g d g,>^> r8 <g d g,>8 <g des g,>4^> <g des g,>8 <g c, a>^>~
\<<g c, a> <g c, a> <g c, a>4^.^> \mf<ces, ees g bes>^.^^ <ces ees g
bes>^.^^ \>
<g' d g,>8 \mp <g d g,>^> r8 <g d g,> \< <g des g,>4 \! <g d g,>8 <g f
c a>^>
r4 r8 d16 f \< \times 2/3 {e8 gis b} \times 2/3 {d f \! e}
\repeat volta 2 {
<a c>8.\f c,16 <g' b>8. c,16 <e a>8. c16 <g e' g>8 <f' c a>~
<a, c f> <g bes g'>4 <a c a'>8~ <a c a'> <c f a c>4 <b' g>8~
<b g>4. <a f>8 <g e> <f ces aes>4 <e b g>8~
<e b g>4~ <e b g>8. <d bes>16 <c a>8 <bes g>4.
r8 <a' f>4 <g e>8 <f d>4 <e c>
{ d4. e8 f4 a} \\
{ r4 <f, a> <a d>2} \\
<gis' d>4. <f d>8 <e c>4 <d gis,>
<c a e>2. \> <cis bes g>4 \mf
<d c a f> <a' f c a>8 <a f c a>~ <a f c a>2~
<a f c a>8 r8 <c a f c>2^> <b g dis a>4
<g e d b g>4~ <g e d b g>8. <b, g e>16 <d b g e>8 <b g e>4 <c a>8~
<c a>8. <d b>16 <e c>4 r4 <b f b,>
<c a f c> <f c a>8 <f c a> r2
r4 <a f c a>2^> <g e b g>4
<f ees ces f,>4. <e d b e,>8~ <e d b e,>2
<f, d b gis>8.\p \< ^( <f d b gis>16 <e d b gis>8 <gis e d b>~) <gis e
d b> \! ^( <b gis e d> <d b gis e>4)
<c a g e>4^.\mf <b f d>^. <a e c>8 <g e bes>4^. <f d c a>8~
<f d c a>4^. <g e bes>8 <a f c>~ <a f c> <c a f c>4.
<b g>4 <a f> <g e>8 <f des>4 <e b g>8^>
r4 r8. <d bes>16 ( <c a>8 <bes? g>4.)
<a' f c>4 <g cis, bes> <f c a> <e b? g>8 <d c a f>~
<d c a f> <e cis bes g>4. <f d c a>4 <a f d c>
<gis d>4.<f d>8 <e c> <d b>4 <c a>8~
<c a>4 r4 r4 \< <cis' a> \f
<d c a f> <a' f c a>8 <a f c a>~ <a f c a>2~
<a f c a>8 r8 <c a f c>2^> <b g dis a>4
%Pagina3%Here is the point where I am having problems%%
\alternative { <g d bes g>1~ <b e cis g>2. <gis e cis gis>4
<a f c a> <c, a f>8 <c a f>~ <c a f>2 \> |
r4 <c aes f c>2 \mf <c a f c>
<c g d>4 r4 <c, a g f>8\mp ^( <d b gis a>16 <e c a g>8 <f d b gis>~)
<f d b gis>4
\context Staff = "LH" { % Left hand
\clef bass
\key a \minor
\relative c {
<b e,>8 <b e,>^> r8 <b e,> <bes ees,>4 <bes ees,>8 <a d,>^>~
<a d,> <a d,> <a d,>4^.^> <aes des des,>^.^^ <aes des des,>^.^^
<b e,>8 <b e,>^> r8 <b e,> <bes ees,>4 <bes ees,>8 <g f'>^>
\repeat volta 2 {
a4 b c cis
d cis d d,
g a b des
c d e c8. g16
f4 a d c
b c b a
e fis gis b
a8. e'16 c8 a~ a4 a4
d, a' f e
d8 r8 <g f'>2^> <g f'>4
c, d e c
a' e a gis
d a' f e
d <g f'>2^> <g f'>4
<des aes' des>4. <c g' c>8~ <c g' c>2
f'8. ^( f16 e8 gis~) gis ( b d4 )
<e, a,>4^. <f gis,>^. <g a,>8 cis,4^. d8~
d4^. cis d d,
g a b des
c c, d e
d e d cis
d cis d d
e fis gis b
a e a g
d a' f e
d8 r8 <g f'>2^> <g f'>4
harmonies = \new ChordNames \chordmode {
\score {
\midi {
\layout {
\paper {
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