
I am just trying to write an organ staff with 5 voices and getting cracy:

1. voice:        trumpet on the first  stave,
2.-4 voice:    church organ on the second stave and
5. voice:        church organ on third stave.

I tried this as follows as you can see in my example file above.

First problem: when I try to compile this file with Lilypond 2.8.4 I get many errors as follows:

/users/student1/s_rkaepp/Li/Tune.ly:37:27: warning: can't resolve rest collision: rest direction not set
      c8 r8 r8 c16 c d8 r8
                           r8 d

What's the problem here???

Second problem: the stems of the 16th-notes in voice 2.-4. are admixed as you can see in the output of my example file. How can I put the all notes of these voices together with only one stem?

Third problem: 4. voice isn't present in every note within a bar on the second stave, e.g. in my example file 4th voice only should have a "f8" on the last note, so that I have the following chord on the last note of my example: d8 b8 g8 f8. All other chords on the second stave only have 3 voices per chord.
How can I realize this???

Fourth problem: Why isn't possible to listen to the midi-output. Did I do anything wrong in my example file?

Any further improvals to my example file???

\version "2.8.2"

\header {
   title = "Tune for Organ and Trumpet"
   composer = "Tomm"

\include "deutsch.ly"

global = {
   \key f \major
   \time 4/4
   #(set-accidental-style 'default)

#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

halsup = { \stemUp \tieUp }
halsdown = { \stemDown \tieDown }

first = {
   \new Voice \relative c'' {
      c8 a16 b c4~c8 b16 c d8 c16 b

second = {
   \new Voice \relative c' {
      c8 r8 r8 c16 c d8 r8 r8 d

third = {
   \new Voice \relative c' {
      a8 r8 r8 a16 a b8 r8 r8 b

fourth = {
   \new Voice \relative c {
      f8 r8 r8 f16 f g8 r8 r8 g

fith = {
   \new Voice \relative c {
      f8 r8 r8 f16 f g8 r8 r8 g

right = {
   \clef treble

left = {
   \clef bass

pedal = {
   \clef "bass"
   \relative c, {
      f8 r8 r8 f f r8 r8 f

\score {
      \new PianoStaff
         \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup { \large "" } % Manual
            \new Staff = right { \right }
            \new Staff = left { \left }
      \new Staff {
         \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \large "" \hspace #1.8 } % Pedal
   \layout { }

\score {
      \new Staff = right {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
      \new Staff = right {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
         \transpose c c' \right

      \new Staff = left {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
      \new Staff = left {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
         \transpose c c' \left

      \new Staff {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
      \new Staff {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
         \transpose c c' \pedal
      \new Staff {
         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
         \transpose c c, \pedal

      \tempo 4 = 100
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