Not understanding exactly what to do, I think I will just do one page at a 
time, and start a whole new .ly file for each additional page.

-----Original Message-----
>From: "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 6, 2006 5:24 PM
>Subject: Re: Page Layout  Staff Spacing ?
>Once you get the spacing close to where you want it, then make adjustments to
>between system space and between system padding in very small steps to get
>it just right.  I first try to get the padding right by setting between
>system space to -1 (negative one) to neutralize it, then adjust between
>system padding.  After that I'll go ahead and adjust between system space up
>by small increments, then maybe remove the padding.  Trying to work both
>variables simultaneously it's harder to get a handle on where things are
>moving to.  I'm a fairly new beginner though, so I'm sure others have their
>own "best practices" for fitting a page.  Some of which I'd be interested in
>hearing about too.  The settings of the various "ragged" flags also makes a
>difference.  For most "one pagers" I set them like this, then work the
>spacing variables above along with the global or staff font size:
>ragged-right = ##f
>ragged-last = ##f
>ragged-bottom = ##f
>ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>joelinux wrote:
>> The space between my staves is wrong.  If I let Lily do it's own thing, it
>> doesn't print the bottom staff on the first page.  I think this is
>> actually a problem with the printing system on Open SuSE 10 Linux.  But
>> when I force a page break, the distance between the staves on the first
>> page becomes too great, and but then when it starts off on the second
>> page, it's okay.
>> How do I force a fixed distance between staves on a lead sheet including
>> the accompanying chord symbols?  and where do I place the command into the
>> Lily code text file?
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