I am not sure that I understand your question (actually, I'm not sure if you
understand it completely either).

First of all, LSR, the LilyPond Snippet Repository, is just a collection of
example files, so there's really nothing you can "install". Rather, you can
copy ideas and maybe lines of code from these examples.

Also, many of the examples in LSR are also available in the on-line
documentation for LilyPond, in the "Tips and Tricks" document. The
advantage of looking there instead of in LSR is that you can be more
sure that the examples in Tips and Tricks are up-to-date, if you just
look into the on-line documentation corresponding to your version
of LilyPond.

My guess is that you are asking about the example called "smart-transpose"
in the Tips and Tricks document. This example contains some code written
in the Scheme programming language, which defines a new function
which replaces double sharps/flats with an enharmonicly equivalent pitch
with fewer accidentals. For this particular example, I actually recommend you
to forget what I just wrote about LilyPond versions. This example has been
modified and simplified in the Tips and Tricks document for LilyPond 2.9:
but should still work well with your version.

So, how can you exploit this example file yourself? There are two main options:

1. Just copy all the lines from
#(define (naturalise-pitch p)
down to

and paste them at the top of your own .ly file.
Then, if your current \score{...} contains a section of music
such as
{cisis fisis gis}
\transpose c cis \mymusic
that you want to modify enharmonically, then just add a
\naturaliseMusic{...} around it, for example:
\naturaliseMusic{cisis fisis gis}
\naturaliseMusic{\transpose c cis \mymusic}

2. If you want to use the same feature in several different .ly files, then
it's silly to paste the same lines of code into all of the files. Instead you
 can make a separate file, for example called "globaldefinitions.ly", where
 you paste the lines you copied from smart-transpose. Then, at the top of
 each .ly file, where you want to use this feature, add
\include "globaldefinitions.ly"
 Then, you can use \naturaliseMusic, just as I described earlier. See
 for more information.


alanvw wrote:

Win XP Version 2.8.5

I am trying to naturalise the pitch by reducing the number of accidentals using the LSR. Could someone tell me how to install this LSR? (I am not a programmer).

Thanks in advance

Vincent Albury-Ward

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