I hope you don't adjust between-system-padding but also between-system-space.


Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:

I'm doing it the way I mentioned, by locking the global size and scaling just
the staff.  My scaling the music slightly does not look drastic but does
eliminate page breaks.  I only re-scale as a last resort after I've adjusted
the between system padding as close as is comfortable and tried adding
another staff, etc.  The effect is so subtle, and since the heading size is
locked solid at #20 global the pages look consistent even though the staffs
on some are smaller slightly to get that song on a single page.

Graham Percival-2 wrote:
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
The idea in the end was to have a template
where I can tweek the flow of the music without affecting my headings. So I
have a consistent amount of heading on each page and a consistent amount
working space below it for music.  Being able to reduce/enlarge only the
music portion allows me to "best fit" the music on the page from
song-to-song without causing the headings to look different on each page
"ransome note effect".
I don't know how to do this with lilypond. However, I'm not certain that you really want to -- IMO, a book with different music sizes looks really weird (other than having a smaller violin staff for a pianist to look at). Why not change the spacing of each score, with ragged-bottom or manually?

- Graham

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