Did you also read in the LilyPond manual how to process the file
using lilypond-book in order to get a file that latex can understand?
I don't know anything about TexShop, but it's probably possible to define custom commands so that you can run lilypond-book from within TexShop. Also, lilypond-book is case sensitive, so use \begin{lilypond}, nothing
Finally, if you use Windows, note that there are some problems with lilypond-book in Windows. If you search the mailing list archives, you can find directions on how to work around these problems.


Quoting Michael J Millett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am attempting to write a file in TexShop 1.43 that includes Lilypond code. But I keep getting the error message:

! LaTeX Error: Environment LilyPond  undefined.

Here are some things I've tried:

        Cut and pasted directly from the LP manual.
        Have tried spelling LP as LilyPond, lilypond, Lilypond, LilyPond.app, 
Have used the entire path to the application, such as: /Users/michaelm/Desktop/LilyPondFolder/LilyPond.app. Made sure that the the TexShop file I was creating was in the the same folder as the Lilypond application.
        Have tried adding: \usepackage {lilypond}
        Have tried adding to the preamble: \newenvironment (lilypond).
        Have checked the archives.

I still get the same error message.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Here is an example from TexShop:



Documents for @command{lilypond-book} may freely mix music and text.
For example,

\begin{LilyPond }
\relative c' {
c2 g'2 \times 2/3 { f8 e d } c'2 g4

Options are put in brackets.

\begin[fragment,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim] {lilypond}
c'4 f16


\end {document}

I am hoping eventually to create tests and handouts using TexShop with Lilypond.

Thanks for your help.


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