Hello, Trevor! 
I didn't notice much difference with the thickness using your technique. 
But, anyway, you can tweak the thickness, too. 
Now for the question as to whether it is possible to tie only one note fo 
chord, this snippet compiles with warning, but shows it is possible: 
%%% BEGIN %%% 

\version "2.9.13" 

 \new Staff { 

 << c'4 g'4 { e'4~ <  c' e' g'>4 } >> 


 \layout { ragged-right = ##t } 

%%% END %%% 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Trevor Ba&#269;a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "lilypond-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org> 
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:40 AM 
Subject: Tying only one note of a chord? 

> Hi, 
> Is it possible to tie only one note of a chord? This snippet using the 
> tie-configuration property of the TieColumn is basically what I'm 
> looking for, except that the tie prints three times, giving too heavy 
> a weight. 
> %%% BEGIN %%% 
> \version "2.9.13" 
> \new Staff { 
>   < 
>      c' 
>      e' 
>      g' 
>   >4 ~ 
>   \once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((-4 . -1) (-4 . 
> -1) (-4 . -1)) 
>   < 
>      c' 
>      e' 
>      g' 
>   >4 
> } 
> %%% END %%% 
> Is there a way to say explicitly "tie only the e in the chord"? 
> -- 
> Trevor Ba&#269;a 

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