I am relatively new at LilyPond usage, though I've typeset about 5 pieces so far. Most have been piano music but a couple have been choral music. I've recently typeset a choral piece (hymn-like, two-staff layout) using the Hymn setup snippet below (obtained from the LilyPond samples repository).
The Hymn setup template I started with looks like the code included below. My question is how I can modify it to put a short (about 4 measures) piano introduction on it ... i.e. no lyrics in the intro portion. Also, at the end, I need to put out a 4-bar piano-only finale. I have been able to get reasonably close to what I want by using _ in the lyrics to skip over the initial intro but I'm wondering if there may be a better, more correct (and direct) way to do what I need. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. \header { title = "Hymn Template" subtitle = "" tagline = "" poet = "" composer = "" } #(set-global-staff-size 20) \include "english.ly" upperOne = \relative a'{ \time 4/4 \voiceOne a4 b c d a b c d \break } upperTwo = \relative a'{ \voiceTwo d,4 e f g d e f g } lowerOne = \relative a { \time 4/4 \voiceOne a4 b c d a b c d } lowerTwo = \relative c { \voiceTwo d4 e f g d e f g } firstverse = \lyricmode { La la la la la la la la } secondverse = \lyricmode { Do do do do do do do do } thirdverse = \lyricmode { Re re re re re re re re } fourthverse = \lyricmode { } refrain = \lyricmode { so so so so so } \score{ \context StaffGroup<< \context Staff = "upper" << \clef treble \context Voice = "one" \upperOne \context Voice = "two" \upperTwo >> \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "1. " \firstverse } \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "2. " \secondverse } \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "3. " \thirdverse } \context Staff = "lower" << \clef bass \context Voice = "one" \lowerOne \context Voice = "two" \lowerTwo >> >> \layout { \context{\Lyrics minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.5 . 3) } \context{\StaffGroup \remove "Span_bar_engraver" } \context{\Staff minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3) autoBeaming = ##t \unset melismaBusyProperties } \context{\Score barNumberVisibility = #all-invisible } } \midi { } } \paper { linewidth = 6\in indent = 0 pagenumber = "no" } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user