Ahhh ...

So that means I need to check the documentation and send a bug-fix to

In case you hadn't noticed, the reason I used the (nonexistent)
\outputProperty is because it was documented in the manual ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas Sceaux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 July 2006 08:57
To: Anthony Youngman
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Can't set next-padding - it's ignoring me

"Anthony Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Okay, it's now doing what I want. Adding "between-system-padding"
> it and reduced "next-padding".
> So I'm satisfied - it's working how I want. But it's still left me
> puzzled as to exactly what's going on ... why doesn't lily recognise
> \outputProperty? 

But this does not even exist!
And you can use \overrideProperty only where a music expression
is allowed, that is not inside a \layout or \paper block, but where you
enter your notes.

> why can't I control next-padding directly?
> ragged-bottom seems to have no effect. between-system-padding seems
> to be displayed by annotate-spacing (although that could be the
> effect I mentioned).

When the next-padding property has not been set on an individual system
by \overrideProperty, then the value displayed by annotate-spacing is
the default value, ie. the value of between-system-padding.


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