On 7/16/06, Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to use 2.9.1 for the first time because of various new features
and seem to have immediately run into a bug. The attached file should
produce landscape output, but it doesn't. It doesn't matter if I put the
line at the top of the file or in the \paper section.

Any thoughts for a workaround, or should I go back to 2.8.4?!

Hi Vivian,

2.9.1 or 2.9.11?

The reason I ask is that up to 2.9.10 landscape output worked just
fine; then -- only with 2.9.11 -- landscape became unhappy.

I started a brief thread on Saturday ...


... and if you do mean 2.9.11 then the instructions in that thread
might get you a workaround by generating only postscript from lily and
then calling ps2pdf by hand with the appropriate setting to

Trevor Bača
like the dew, or like lightning
lilypond-user mailing list

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