I'm not shure if I'm getting what you want exacty but you can put your dynamics on top of the staff with:
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'direction = #UP If dynamic text(s) have to be on top or below a barline (as you said) I'd use a rehearsal mark for this... e.g. \mark \markup { \dynamic mf } You can put this mark below the staff with (it will be on top by default): \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN Downside to this approch is of course that a second RehearsalMark (like a "real" one, a segno/coda sign or a fermata) can't be at the same barline. To accomplisg this, you have to resort to scheme programming (AFAIK). For resolving spacing issues with dynamic texts, you might be interested in this: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=200 (Resolve dynamics clashing) Markus P.S. See example for details: %%% BEGIN OF SNIPPET \version "2.9.11" topDyn = { \override DynamicLineSpanner #'direction = #UP } lowDyn = { \revert DynamicLineSpanner #'direction } lowRMOnce = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN } topRMOnce = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #UP } dynRMarkSize = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #-0.2 } mfRMarkD = { \dynRMarkSize \lowRMOnce \mark \markup { \dynamic mf } } ffRMarkU = { \dynRMarkSize \topRMOnce \mark \markup { \dynamic ff } } musicdyn = \relative c'' { c8\ppp d e f\fp\< c a g\! a \bar "||" } music = \relative c'' { c8 d e f c a g a \bar "||" } \score { { \topDyn \musicdyn \lowDyn \musicdyn \mfRMarkD \music \ffRMarkU \music } \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 0\cm } } %%% END OF SNIPPET _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user