Hello, all!

I propose using the rendered "Examples" section of the documentation
(now empty) to post a series of AllAbouts, prepared by users,
each being an in-depth example of a narrow set of features [...]

Well, my "little project" is now finally over -- well, at least the *premiere* is over, and I can go on to other things (score tweaks, preparing for the studio CD recording, etc.). ;-)

The better news is that I've now got some time to put into some Lilypond projects.

So, where am I needed? I can start on some AllAbouts, or whatever. Just say the word!

Best wishes,

p.s. For interested parties, the first "Drunken Moon" review (of two I'm anticipating) can be found here: <http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/ 06184/702990-42.stm>. Unfortunately, there's no mention that the score was engraved with Lilypond, but you can't win them all! ;-)

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