It's good that you don't send long examples, but please send complete
examples that people can try directly, without having to fill in a lot
of empty slots.
I don't have the time to fill in notes in your example to try it
myself, but one hint would be to expicitly specify the Staff
contexts you want. Now, you specify Voice contexts and it's not
obvious to me how these end up in the same or in different staves.
Another hint is to learn to use the \lyricsto feature instead of
\addlyrics. It offers much more flexibility.
Quoting Ed Ardzinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
First of all the details - v2.6.5 (I know it's "old") on Win XP Home...
I am trying to create a "lead sheet" of sorts that has a lead vocal
line, a backing vocal line, a bass line, and a rhythm context that
shows the basic chord charges.
So I have 5 variables:
leadvox, backvox, harmonies (\chordmode), beat (\context
RhythmicStaff), bline. After the definition of the notes and rhythms
for leadvox and backvox I have \addlyrics blocks, so the code looks
roughly like this:
leadvox = {....}
\addlyrics {la la la...}
backvox = {...}
\addlyrics {hey my my lordy be...}
\harmonies = \chordmode {..chords/rhythms...}
\beat = \context RhythmicStaff {...basically the same code as the
\bline = {...bass line - will be fairly developed as I've been
basically a bassist for a few years...}
and I put them together like this:
\context Voice = one
\context Voice = two
\context ChordNames
\set chordChanges = ##t
%\set fontSize = #-1.5
\context Rhythm
\context Voice = three
\layout { }
Now, it seems, no matter how I do this the lyrics come out on the
bottom, and while I haven't gotten to it yet, when the vocal parts
overlap I'm going to have a problem I think...
What I'd like to know how to do is add the lyrics to the specific
variable and force those lyrics to render underneath the stave for
that voice.
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