----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 12:26
Subject: Re: Feedback
Hi, Stewart,
You'd like to check your bass line, which in some
bars does not coincide with the its correspondent 32th note of the melody. I
don't have my copy of the piece in front of me, but I believe the coda is in A
major... you may want to add the proper key.
I'm no engraver, so don't take my word for the
following two ideas. On bars 35/6, you have a segno preceded with "to"... I'm
not sure if the preposition is necessary. Bar numbers seem to be reseted at
the begining of the coda; I find it strange.
Other than that, I think it's fine. Actually, I'm
gonna check your code for some pieces I'm engraving.
Diosnel Herrnsdorf
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 23:03
Subject: Feedback
I was wondering if anyone would fancy giving
any criticism (constructive or otherwise) on the engraving I'm currently
working on. Comments greatly appreciated!
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