Shamus wrote:

In a perfect world, when \stopStaff occurs at the beginning of a volta
it would print up to the barline (ideally with a single bar line) and
nothing beyond (i.e., the volta technically hasn't started, why should
it show up in my ossia fragment? If the page breaks on the volta, you
end up with a repeat symbol sitting on empty staff lines wasting
precious space). Simalarly, when \startStaff occurs at the end of a
volta it should start with a single bar line and not print anything
before. I don't know that something like that is even possible without
making changes to the backend, but perhaps one of the developers could
weigh in on this issue?

Try to add the following (inspired by an example in the section on Polymetric

\layout {
 \context { \Score
    \remove "Timing_translator"
    \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
    \remove "Repeat_acknowledge_engraver"
 \context {
   \consists "Timing_translator"
   \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
   \consists "Repeat_acknowledge_engraver"


It will still print staff lines wide enough to fit in the dots in the repeat signs
though, even if they aren't printed in the ossia stave.

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