> > i wrote a shellscript which generates a score and the corresponding
> parts for lilypond. the score-setup can be changed at anytime by editing the
> configfile.

> It is too long and without documentation or example config file.
> And I don't want to learn yet another file syntax/convention.

"lilyscore -h" gives a little advice how to use it.

just type "lilyscore" (must be in you path, of course) and "config.txt" will be 
createt automatically. there is not much to learn, the config.txt is 
selfexplaining. edit it and type again "lilyscore" and there you have 
lilypondfiles for every instrument that was added in config.txt. 
for faster lilyond-rendering you can temporarely remove some instruments from a 
score by putting "#" at the beginning of the instrumentline in config.txt. 

> Are there any specific features you are missing in lilypond or do you 
> want to save typing time?

i dont miss a special feature. but i need to extract parts(with the right 
transposition) from scores. why do it by hand, if a script can do it. 



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