On 6/23/06, V!ictor [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 10:47:02PM -0500, Trevor Ba?a wrote:
> On 6/22/06, V!ctor [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I would like to have grace notes spaced proportionally to their
> >durations, like this:
> >http://music.columbia.edu/~vadan/lilypond/proportional_gracenotesB.pdf
> >
> >I thought that using proportionalNotationDuration would do it, but it
> >only affects the "real" notes. Here's what I get:
> >http://music.columbia.edu/~vadan/lilypond/proportional_gracenotes.pdf
> >with the following code:
> >
> >%
> >\version "2.9.7"
> >\include "english.ly"
> >
> >\layout{
> >        \context{ \Score
> >                % proportional notation ------------------
> >                proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32)
> >                \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t
> >                \override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
> >        }
> >}
> >
> >% THIS ...
> >\new Voice{\afterGrace c''2. { c''32 c''8 c''32 c''16} c''4 c''2 c''2}
> >% OR ...
> >\new Voice{ c''2. \grace{ c''32 c''8 c''32 c''16} c''4 c''2 c''2}
> >%
> >
> >>From looking at 6.5.7 in the manual (2.9), I can see it should be
> >possible, maybe somehow changing the 'grace note timing', but I can't
> >figure out how.
> >How could I do this? Is there an easier way?
> Hi Victor,
> I know grace notes have all sorts of interesting properties in
> LilyPond, but I haven't played around with them yet myself.
> Would it be possible to put the grace notes in their own voice and
> simply shrink the #'size attributes of the notes, stems, flags, etc,
> in that separate grace voice?
> That way the notes would *space* exactly like normal notes and you
> could manually reduce the graphic *size* of the notes.
> Would that work?
> --
> Trevor Bača

Hi Trevor,

That works, and that's what I did to get this:

but I was hoping there was an easier way... having two voices to represent one 
complicates things a bit. For example, if you want to connect notes with a 
glissando, like this:

How do you connect to notes from different voices with the gliss?

Ah, good point.

Here's another idea to keep it all in one voice:

% ***********************************************************************
\version "2.9.7"
\include "english.ly"

\new Voice{c''2.*2/3 {\autoBeamOff \set fontSize =#-3 c''32 c''8 c''32 
c''16}\set fontSize=#1 c''4 c''2 c''2}

% ***********************************************************************

Any other ideas?

This is exactly what I would do: manually control the graphic
appearance of the grace figures. The only thing I don't like about
that is having to use the scalar against the first (dotted) half-note.
Just seems a little hacky.

Of course there's always the sponsorship route to just directly
request that -- when some flag or something is set, like
proportionalGraceSpacing = ##t -- that grace notes space exactly like
normal notes *backwards* from the note they immediately precede.

Actually, how would that work? Let's say we have two short notes with
graces in between:

 \new Voice{c''16 {\autoBeamOff \set fontSize =#-3 c''32 c''8 c''32
c''16}\set fontSize=#1 c''16}

In that case what should happen? Should the intervening graces cause
either of the "normal" notes to move? Or what? Or does it not matter
because we would never notate such a thing?

Trevor Bača
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