
Many thanks for the help -- I understand the logic of beaming now :=) In fact, after spending nearly a whole day with Lilypond I am pleased to say that I have mastered quite a lot of the basics and have already attempted such esoteric arts as context tweaking (to add titles to an 'alternative' volta bracket) with great success.

FYI: I am using the Studio to Go! package from Fervent software, which comes with Lilypond 2.6 currently.



----- Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------
    Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2006 11:10:59 -0700
    From: Panteck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Panteck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: RE: Very basic problem with manual beaming
      To: 'Ed Bradburn' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, lilypond-user@gnu.org

Try this:

c''[ 16 d'' d''] a'[ d'' d''] c''[ d'' d'' d''] e''[ d'' e'' fis'']


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 10:36 AM
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Very basic problem with manual beaming

Hi Folks,

I'm probably missing something blindingly obvious, but I have the following
problem. Using RoseGarden, I have exported a simple piece of music, and
now like to tidy up just one or two bars. These bars are 7/8 bars, and I
an alternative beaming structure.

Output from RoseGarden:

\time 7/8
c'' 16 d'' d'' a' d'' d'' c'' d'' d'' d'' e'' d'' e'' fis''

What I (think) I need, following the manual:

\time 7/8
[c'' 16 d'' d''] [a' d'' d''] [c'' d'' d'' d''] [e'' d'' e'' fis'']

However, when I run this (and the rest of the score) through lilypond, it
exits with the following error:

ClassicReelSet.ly:77:16: error: syntax error, unexpected '['

[c'' 16 d'' d''] [a' d'' d''] [c'' d'' d'' d''] [e'' d'' e'' fis'']
ClassicReelSet.ly:13:4: error: errors found, ignoring music expression

Why is this "unexpected"? Isn't this how to do manual beaming?

Note that this section is properly enclosed in a

\context Voice = "voice 0" {
} % Voice

tag, so I don't think that that is the problem.

Many thanks for any help,

Ed Bradburn

lilypond-user mailing list

----- End message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----

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